陈鑫 副研究员

编辑:wxh    发布时间:2022-07-04    浏览:

陈鑫 ,男,博士,职称副研究员,硕士研究生导师,广州医科大学,基础医学院,病理生理学教研室,毕业院校:广州医科大学,招生专业:病理学与病理生理学



1. 细胞死亡新型调控机制及相关药物研发

2. 铁死亡与疾病


1. 广州医科大学南山学者

2. 2020年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖二等奖;

3. 2017年广州市科学技术奖励一等奖




1. Yan D*, Li X*, Yang Q, Huang Q, Yao L, Zhang P, Sun W, Lin S, Dou Q, Liu J#, Chen X#. Regulation of Bax-dependent apoptosis by mitochondrial deubiquitinase USP30. Cell Death Discovery. 2021, 7(1):1-11.

2. Xu D*, Yang L*, Zhang P*, Yan D, Xue Q, Huang Q, Li X, Hao Y, Tang D, Dou Q, Chen X#, Liu J#. Pharmacological characterization of a novel metal-based proteasome inhibitor Na-AuPT for cancer treatment. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2021.

3. Yao L*, Zhao Q*, Yan D, Lei Z, Hao Y, Chen J, Xue Q, Li X, Huang Q, Tang D, Dou Q, Chen X#, Jinbao Liu#. Bilirubin inhibits the anticancer activity of sorafenib by blocking MCL-1 degradation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Cancer Biology & Medicine, 2022.

4. Wu S*, Zhu C*, Tang D, Dou Q, Shen J#, & Chen X#. The role of ferroptosis in lung cancer. Biomarker Research, 2021, 9(1), 1-14.

5. Chen X, Kang R, Kroemer G#, Tang D#. Broadening horizons: the role of ferroptosis in cancer. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2021, 18(5), 280-296.

6. Chen X, Kang R, Zeh H, Kroemer G#, Tang D#. Cell death in pancreatic cancer: from pathogenesis to therapy. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 2021, 18(11): 804-823.

7. Chen X, Kang R#, Kroemer G#, Tang D#. Targeting ferroptosis in pancreatic cancer: a double-edged sword. Trends in Cancer, 2021, 7(10): 891-901.

8. Chen X, Kang R, Kroemer G#, Tang D#. Ferroptosis in infection, inflammation, and immunity. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2021, 218(6):e20210518.

9. Chen X, Yu C, Kang R, Kroemer G#, Tang D#. Cellular degradation systems in ferroptosis. Cell Death & Differentiation, 2021, 28(4): 1135-1148.

10. Chen X, Kang R#, Kroemer G#, Tang D#. Organelle-Specific Regulation of Ferroptosis. Cell Death & Differentiation, 2021, 28(10): 2843-2856.

11. Chen X, Li J, Kang R, Klionsky DJ, Tang D#. Ferroptosis: Machinery and Regulation. Autophagy, 2020: 1-28.

12. Yang L*, Chen X*, Yang Q*, Chen J, Huang Q, Yao L, Yan D, Wu J, Zhang P, Tang D, Zhong N, Liu J#. Broad spectrum deubiquitinase inhibition induces both apoptosis and ferroptosis in cancer cells. Frontiers in Oncology, 2020, 10: 949.

* These authors contributed equally to the work.

# Author for correspondence.

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